md, fracgp - ahpra: MED0001936857 - ABN: 84667875496

Please note, while our practice is delighted to accept new patients, some of our doctors, including Dr Jessica Hughes, are currently focusing on their existing patient base, therefore not accepting new patient bookings. However, we are pleased to offer available appointments with Dr Jessica Hughes for established patients of the practice, ensuring timely access to the care you need. Exceptions: Dr Jessica Hughes will see New Patients under the age of 18.

Dr Jessica Hughes is a fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners who enjoys providing holistic care to all patients. She grew up and trained on the Gold Coast and has worked in regional and remote communities in Queensland and New South Wales as well as tertiary metropolitan hospitals.

Jessica has a Graduate Diploma of Critical Care Medicine from the University of Sydney.

Jessica particularly enjoys working in areas of women’s health, mental health and paediatrics, and is passionate about diet, exercise and lifestyle influences on health and wellbeing. Aside from medicine she loves music, movies and the outdoors. 

To book an appointment online click here, alternatively phone our reception team on 0755897555.